艾琳·C. 墨菲

Promotion 和 Tenure Coordinator, Academic Affairs
Hawthorn Building, 212

艾琳·墨菲, 英语教授, is the author or editor of fourteen books, 廉价, 和选集. She serves as Poet Laureate of Blair County (PA) 和 诗歌 Editor of Summerset评论. She has received the Athleen J. Stere Teaching Award, the Grace D. Long 教师 Excellence Award, 和 the University-wide 校友 Award for Excellence in Teaching. 2023 - 25, she was named the inaugural BTTA Mellon Academic Leadership Fellow for Penn State University.

墨菲’s nine collections of poetry include 人力资源 (forthcoming from Salmon 诗歌); 分类法 (2022) 辅助生活, winner of the Brick Road 诗歌 Press Prize (2018); 附属品 (2014), winner of the Womack Book Award; 遥远的闪光 (2013), a finalist for the Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Award in 诗歌; 应用题 (2011), winner of the Paterson Prize for Literary Excellence; Dislocation 和 Other Theories (2008), winner of the Paterson Prize for Literary Excellence; Too Much of This World (2008), winner of the Anthony Piccione 诗歌 Prize; 和 欲望科学 (2004), a finalist for the Paterson 诗歌 Prize for the best poetry book of 2004. She has also authored two 廉价: Fields of Ache (2023), available for a free download from Ghost City Press, 和 悔恨的代码 (2017), winner of the Keystone Chapbook Series competition sponsored by Seven Kitchens Press.

She has edited three anthologies on narrative medicine, creative nonfiction, 和 poetry. 和迪蒂·W. 摩尔和rensame K. Nicholson, 她编辑 Bodies of Truth: Personal Narratives on Illness, Disability, 和 Medicine (University of Nebraska Press, 2019), an anthology of narrative medicine essays which won the Gold Medal in the anthology category of the Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Awards; with Jen Hirt, 她编辑 Creating Nonfiction: Twenty Essays 和 Interviews with the Writers (State University of New York Press, 2016), which also won the Gold Medal in the anthology category of the Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Awards; 和 with Todd Davis, 她编辑 Making Poems: Forty Poems with Commentary by the Poets (State University of New York Press, 2010).

Her awards include the Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg 诗歌 Prize, the Rattle 诗歌 Prize Readers’ Choice Award, a Best of the Net Award, the Foley 诗歌 Award, the National Writers' Union 诗歌 Award judged by Donald Hall, The Normal School 诗歌 Prize judged by Nick Flynn, the WISE Women Tribute Award in Arts & 信, induction into the Blair County Arts 名人堂, 和 fellowships from the 宾西法尼亚 Council on the Arts, the Maryl和 State Arts Council, the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, 和 the Institute for Arts 和 Humanities.

Her work has been featured on Garrison Keillor's 《十大网投平台信誉排行榜》, 和 her poems 和 creative nonfiction essays have appeared in numerous journals 和选集, 包括 群落交错区, 乔治亚评论, 简洁 (和 最好的 简洁), Women’s Studies Quarterly, EcoTheo审查, 连雀, 亚热带, North American Review, Southern Indiana Review, 180 More: Extraordinary Poems for Every Day, edited by Billy Collins (R和om House), 和 失去的艺术, edited by Kevin Young (Bloomsbury).

墨菲 earned her bachelor’s degree in English with a philosophy minor from Washington College 和 her Master of Fine Arts degree in English from the University of Massachusetts, 阿默斯特, 她是M.F.A. Fellow 和 wrote her thesis under the direction of James Tate.

  • 诗歌
  • 创造性的非小说
  • 回忆录
  • 医学人文
  • Creative Writing Pedagogy
  • 叙事的领导